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Dizajn thinking je način razmišljanja i proces za rješavanje problema davanjem prioriteta potrebama korisnika. Oslanja se na promatranje, s empatijom, kako ljudi komuniciraju sa svojim okruženjem i koristi iterativni, praktični pristup u stvaranju inovativnih rješenja.

“Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.” 

— Elon Musk

“Human-centered design is a philosophy, not a precise set of methods, but one that assumes that innovation should start by getting close to users and observing their activities.”

– Donald A. Norman

Design Thinking – baza znanja

Pinterest – Design Thinking / Persona

“We spend a lot time designing the bridge, but not enough time thinking about the people who are crossing it.” -Dr. Prabhjot Singh

“Human-centered design is a philosophy, not a precise set of methods, but one that assumes that innovation should start by getting close to users and observing their activities.” – Donald A. Norman

“Fail often so you can succeed sooner” – Tom Kelley

“It’s not ‘us versus them’ or even ‘us on behalf of them.’ For a design thinker it has to be ‘us with them’” -Tim Brown

“It’s through mistakes that you can grow. You have to get bad in order to get good.” -Paula Scher

“Don’t underestimate the ripple effect of what you do.” - Leila Janah