Interaktivni webinar:

ITIL® 4 Foundation

Predavanja: 9:00-12:30 (pon-čet)
Ispit: 9:00-11:00 (petak)

* 50% popusta na cijenu seminara u učionici

* “Garancija prolaska na ispitu” – Ukoliko certifikacijski ispit ne položite iz prve, drugi pokušaj je besplatan.

“Stories never really end…even if the books like to pretend they do.
Stories always go on.
They don’t end on the last page,
any more than they begin on the first page.”
― Cornelia Funke


ITIL® 4 Interaktivni webinar:

ITIL® 4 Foundation

ITIL 4 Foundation seminar daje pregled bitnih principa i izazova IT Service Managementa bazirano na preporukama ITIL 4 dobrih praksi. Seminar je koristan za sve IT stručnjake, a naročito one odgovorne za planiranje, dizajn, uspostavu, nadzor i upravljanje IT uslugama.

Seminar je sukladan zahtjevima Axelos-a (službeni akrediter za ITIL) i sadržajno uključuje znanja potrebna za certifikat ITIL 4 Foundation in IT Service Management. ITIL 4 Foundation certifikat je preduvjet za sve daljnje certifikacijske seminare u ITIL 4 certifikacijskoj shemi.

  • Naziv seminara: ITIL 4 Foundation in IT Service Management
  • Trajanje seminara: 5 dana, u vremenu od 9:00-12:30. Predavanja se održavaju od ponedjeljka do četvrtka, a certifikacijski ispit se piše u petak.
  • Cijena seminara: 355 EUR + PDV ( = cijena seminara u učionici uz popust 50%)
  • Cijena ceritifikacijskog ispita: 300 EUR + PDV
  • Jezik: predavanja su na hrvatskom, a prateća literatura i certifikacijski ispit su na engleskom jeziku.

“Garancija prolaska na ispitu”: Ukoliko certifikacijski ispit ne položite iz prve – drugi pokušaj je besplatan!

Ispit: Ispit se sastoji od 40 multiple-choice pitanja na engleskom jeziku. Vrijeme predviđeno za riješavanje ispita je 60min; odnosno 75 min i korištenje riječnika ukoliko engleski nije materinji jezik. Nije dopušteno konzultiranje literature. Za prolaz je potrebno minimalno 65% točnih odgovora ( odnosno 26/40).

Polaganje ispita: Ispit se polaže dan nakon završetka seminara, u vremenu 9:00-11:00. Preliminarni rezultati (prolaz/pad) su dostupni unutar sat vremena od završetka ispita, a postignute bodove i elektronički certifikat dobivate u roku od 48 sati.

ITIL Poster & Overview
Prijava / Kontakt

ITIL 4 Foundation detaljnije…

Uvod u ITIL 4 Foundation

ITIL 4 Foundation obuhvaća slijedeće teme:

  • Uvod u ITIL 4
  • Moderne prakse i principi upravljanja IT uslugama
  • Temeljna načela ITIL 4 (eng. ITIL 4 Guiding principles)
  • Organizacije i ljudi ( eng. Organisations & People)
  • Informacije i tehnologija (eng. Information & Technology)
  • Partneri i dobavljači ( eng. Partners & Suppliers)
  • Tokovi vrijednosti i procesi ( eng. Value streams & Processes)
  • ITIL Sustav vrijednosti usluge (eng. ITIL Service Value System)
  • ITIL Lanac vrijednosti usluge ( eng. ITIL Service Value Chain)
  • Definiranje tokova vrijednosti (eng. Value streams)
  • Osnovni pojmovi ITIL-a 4 (npr. Vrijednost, Stvaranje vrijednosti kroz usluge, Usluge i Produkti, Prakse itd.)
  1. Continual Improvement
  2. Change Control
  3. Incident Management
  4. Problem Management
  5. Service Request Management
  6. Service Desk
  7. Service Level Management
  1. Information security management
  2. Relationship management
  3. Supplier management
  4. IT asset management
  5. Monitoring and event management
  6. Release management
  7. Service configuration management
  8. Deployment management
  9. Availability Management
  10. Capacity and Performance Management
  11. Service Continuity Management
  • ITIL 4 kvalifikacijski sustav
  • Ciljana priprema za ITIL 4 Foundation ispit

Sadržaj seminara:

This introductory module gives a complete overview of the ITIL 4 Framework, the evolution of ITIL 4 and best practices, and an introduction to the ITIL 4 certification structure.

The areas covered include:

Introduction to ITIL 4
ITIL 4 Evolution
ITIL 4 Best Practices
ITIL 4 Certification Scheme
ITIL v3 and ITIL 4
Purpose of the ITIL Foundation Qualification
Who Benefits from the Course
Case Study

This module will introduce you to the key concepts and terminology of ITIL. The concepts are relevant for all services and service relationships, regardless of their nature and underpinning technology. The concepts include:

The nature of value and value co-creation
Organizations, service providers, service consumers and other stakeholders
Products and services
Service relationships
Value: outcomes, costs and risks

You will then learn how they can be used to address real-world IT service management challenges.

Chapter 1: Key Definitions
Chapter 2: Creating Value with Services
Chapter 3: Key Concepts of Service Relationships
Quiz & Assignment

‘Guiding principles’ are recommendations which can guide organizations in any given circumstance, regardless of any changes made to its goals, strategies, type of work or management structure.

ITIL’s guiding principles form the core messages of the framework, as well as ITSM in general. They are designed to support successful actions and good decisions, and can even help users to adapt ITIL to suit their own circumstances.

Many of ITIL 4’s guiding principles reflect those found in other frameworks, standards and methodologies. These include Lean, Agile, COBIT and DevOps. This allows organizations to easily integrate ITIL 4 into their current service management approach.

These principles are applicable to virtually any initiative or stakeholder group relationship. Most importantly, ITIL’s guiding principles encourage and support organizations in pursuing continual improvement at all levels.

The ITIL 4 Guiding Principles include:

Focus on value
Start where you are
Progress iteratively with feedback
Collaborate and promote visibility
Think and work holistically
Keep it simple and practical
Optimize and automate

This module will introduce you to ITIL’s Guiding Principles, as well as their purpose, flexibility and relationship with other standards and frameworks.

The four dimensions of service management offered by ITIL 4 provide a holistic view of the different constraints, resource types and other points of focus which must be considered when designing, managing or operating an organization.

They include:

Organizations and people
Information and technology
Partners and suppliers
Value streams and processes

By approaching any problems and developments from the perspective of each dimension individually, organizations can ensure that their Service Value System (SVS) is both balanced and effective.

This module will provide you with a clear understanding of the four dimensions of service management outlined in the ITIL 4 syllabus, and how they enable a holistic approach to ITSM.

The ITIL 4 SVS describes the different inputs (opportunity and demand), elements (organizational governance, service management, continual improvement and an organization’s capabilities and resources) and outputs (achievement of organizational objectives and resultant value for the organization and its stakeholders) of effective service management.

The ITIL SVS includes:

The guiding principles
Service value chain
Continual improvement

In this module, you will examine how these factors work together within a system in order to create value for connected organizations, as well as their customers and other stakeholders.

The ITIL Service Value Chain (SVC) is a core component of the SVS. IT offers an operating model for creating, delivering and continually improving services. It consists of six activities which can be combined in a number of different ways to create flexible value streams. The SVS can also accommodate different approaches, including DevOps.

This flexibility enables users to adapt services in order to meet changing demands as effectively and efficiently as possible. SVS activities are supported by ITIL practices, creating a highly versatile tool for ITSM.

This module will introduce you to the SVS and how it can be used and adapted to manage different products and services.

This module covers the 18 ITIL 4 Practices. Students will learn the purpose and description of activities for each practice, as well as their place in the Service Value Chain.

The 18 ITIL 4 practices include:

Continual Improvement
Information Security Management
Relationship Management
Supplier Management
Availability Management
Capacity and Performance Management
Change Control
Incident Management
IT Asset Management
Monitoring and Event Management
Problem Management
Release Management
Service Configuration Management
Service Continuity Management
Service Desk
Service Level Management
Service Request Management
Deployment Management

The syllabus requires that students be able to recall the purpose of each practice. We will go into more detail on the 7 most essential practices in the next module.

The 7 ITIL practices can be used to support multiple service value chain activities. Together, they offer practitioners a versatile yet highly comprehensive toolset for approaching ITSM. They include:

Chapter 1: Continual Improvement
Chapter 2: Change Control
Chapter 3: Incident Management
Chapter 4: Problem Management
Chapter 5: Service Request Management
Chapter 6: The Service Desk
Chapter 7: Service Level Management
Quiz & Assignment

This module will provide you with a clear understanding of the 7 ITIL practices, their importance and their relationship the ITIL Service Value Chain.

These practice exams are designed to simulate the conditions that students will face when taking the official ITIL 4 Foundation examination. It will be well worth testing your knowledge on ITIL 4 before booking your exam, as it will give you the chance to highlight and revise any modules which you have been struggling with.

When you feel you are ready to sit the ITIL Foundation exam, simply contact us to request your FREE exam voucher.

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ITIL su globalno najpopularnije preporuke za upravljanje IT uslugama (ITSM). ITIL 4 je najnovija inačica koja nudi modernizirani pristup i obnovljeni fokus na najnovije najbolje prakse za ITSM. ITIL 4 posebno stavlja naglasak na integraciju s drugim popularnim standardima, uključujući Agile i DevOps u cilju integriranog i cjelovitog organizacijskog pristupa upravljanju uslugama.

S najnovijim prikazom suvremenih ITSM praksi, ITIL 4 je znatno praktičniji od ITIL V3. Njegovo se izdanje također očekivalo, posebno s obzirom na to kako gotovo sve organizacije vođene IT-om sada u određenoj mjeri koriste ITSM.

ITIL Poster & Overview


Ispit ITIL 4 Foundation se održava nastavno na seminar:

  • Jezik: engleski
  • Trajanje: 75 min za polaznike kojima engleski nije materinji jezik ( inače 60 min)
  • 40 pitanja s višestrukim izborom (a,b,c,d) s jednim točnim odgovorom, bez negativnih bodova
  • Za prolaz je potrebno minimalno 26 točnih odgovora (65%)
  • Certifikat dodjeljuje: Peoplecert (Ispitni institut)
  • Akreditirana trening organizacija (ATO) za provedbu ispita: ITSM Partner Consulting
  • Certifikat: Nakon uspješno položenog ITIL 4 Foundation ispita, dobiva se međunarodno priznati certifikat: ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management). Certifikat se dobiva kao e-certifikat unutar dva radna dana od polaganja ispita.

Na ispitu se testira znanje i razumijevanje u slijedeći područjima:

  • Ključni koncepti upravljanja uslugama
  • ITIL vodeći principi ( eng. guiding principles) i kako se koriste pri prilagodbi i implementaciji ITIL-a
  • 4 dimenzije upravljanja uslugama
  • ITIL Sustav stvaranja vrijednosti uslugama (eng. ITIL service value system) – svrha i komponente
  • Aktivnosti Lanca stvaranja vrijednosti (eng. service value chain) i njihova povezanost
  • Svrha i ključni pojmovi 18 ITIL praksi
  • Detaljnije o 7 ključnih ITIL praksi

Ciljevi, preduvjeti, akreditacija…

  • Usvojiti terminologiju, koncepte i definicije ITILa 4
  • Razumjeti ITIL 4 pristup koji opisuje ITIL sustav vrijednosti usluge ( eng. ITIL Service Value System), ITIL Lanac vrijednosti usluge (eng. ITIL Service Value Chain), Tokove vrijednosti ( eng. Value streams) i Prakse ( eng. Practices)
  • Razumjeti ključne ITIL 4 prakse te njihov doprinos u izvršavanju IT Service Management aktivnosti (svrha, najbolje prakse, aktivnosti)
  • Shvatiti prednosti korištenja ITIL 4 najboljih praksi
  • Sklopiti mozaik ITIL 4 praksi u jednu veliku sliku; upoznati zavisnosti praksi
  • Diskutirati, analizirati i sagledati mogućnost primjene ITIL 4 preporuka u vlastitoj organizaciji
  • Opcionalno: dokazati stečeno znanje polaganjem ispita i ostvarivanje ITIL 4 Foundation certifikat

Tipični polaznici su:

  • IT menadžeri, IT voditelji, IT konzultanti, operativni menadžeri, generalni menadžeri, arhitekti rješenja (eng. Solution architects), IT stručnjaci i poslovni menadžeri
  • Svatko zainteresiran za razumijevanje osnova ITIL 4 dobrih praksi
  • Svatko zainteresiran za poboljšanje kvalitete upravljanja IT uslugama
  • IT profesionalci iz organizacija gdje se ITIL već koristi za upravljenje IT uslugama
  • Potrebno je znanje engleskog jezika (budući su materijali za seminar i ispit na engleskom jeziku)
  • Poželjne su IT vještine i poznavanje procesa/praksi upravljenja IT uslugama ( eng. IT Service Management-a)

ITSM Partner Consulting je akreditirana organizacija za obuku (eng. Accredited Training Organisation(ATO)) te ovlaštena za provođenje ITIL treninga i polaganje ITIL ispita

Neprekidno usavršavamo svoje treninge, stoga jamčimo da su naši ITIL 4 seminari uvijek u skladu s aktualnim nastavnim planom i programom propisanim od tvrtke Axelos Limited (vlasnika svih prava za ITIL).


Accredited ITIL® 4 Foundation training is provided by ITSM Partner GmbH Wien, accredited by PeopleCert.

ITIL® 4 Foundation is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.