Interaktivni webinar:

ITIL® 4 Digital & IT Strategy (ITIL DITS)

Predavanja: 9:00-13:00 (pon-čet)
Ispit: 9:00-12:00 (petak)

* 50% popusta na cijenu seminara u učionici

* “Garancija prolaska na ispitu” – Ukoliko certifikacijski ispit ne položite iz prve, drugi pokušaj je besplatan.

“Perception is strong
and sight weak.

In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things.”

The Book of Five Rings, by Miyamoto Musashi


ITIL® 4 Leader:

ITIL® 4 Digital & IT Strategy (ITIL DITS)

Interaktivni webinar / Virtualna učionica

IT & Digital Strategy modul je fokusiran na usklađivanje digitalne poslovne strategije i IT strategije. Modul  pokriva utjecaj disrupcija novih tehnologija na organizacije i kako odgovore poslovnih lidera na iste.

Tempo evolucije u digitalnom svijetu nikad nije bio brži i organizacije moraju biti fleksibilne i prilagođavati se neprestanom promjenjivom okruženju ukoliko žele kontinuirano omogućavati pružanje vrijednosti svojim kupcima i kroz to ostati konkurentne na tržištu.

Modul IT & Digital Strategy dodaje novu perspektivu i podiže raspravu o ITIL konceptima na stratešku razinu među poslovne lidere i buduće vođe.

Modul pomaže IT liderima u izgradnji i provedbi učinkovite IT i digitalne strategije koja se može uspješno uhvatiti u koštac s digitalnim disrupcijama.

Akreditirani seminar te položeni ITIL 4 Foundation su preduvijet za sve ITIL 4 module. Pored toga, ovaj modul zahtjeva najmanje tri godine iskustva u upravljanju IT-om.

Seminar je sukladan zahtjevima Axelos-a (službeni akrediter za ITIL) i sadržajno uključuje znanja potrebna za certifikat ITIL 4 Leader: Digital & IT Strategy (CDS) in IT Service Management.

  • Naziv seminara: ITIL 4 Leader: Digital & IT Strategy ( ITIL DITS)
  • Trajanje seminara: 5 dana, u vremenu od 9:00-13:00. Predavanja se održavaju od ponedjeljka do četvrtka, a certifikacijski ispit se piše u petak u vremenu 9:00-12:00.
  • Cijena seminara: 650 EUR + PDV ( = cijena seminara u učionici uz popust 50%)
  • Cijena ceritifikacijskog ispita: 400 EUR + PDV
  • Jezik: predavanja su na hrvatskom, a prateća literatura i certifikacijski ispit su na engleskom jeziku.

“Garancija prolaska na ispitu”: Ukoliko certifikacijski ispit ne položite iz prve – drugi pokušaj je besplatan!

Ispit: Ispit se sastoji od 40 multiple-choice pitanja na engleskom jeziku. Vrijeme predviđeno za riješavanje ispita je 60min; odnosno 75 min i korištenje riječnika ukoliko engleski nije materinji jezik. Nije dopušteno konzultiranje literature. Za prolaz je potrebno minimalno 65% točnih odgovora ( odnosno 28/40).

Polaganje ispita: Ispit se polaže dan nakon završetka seminara, u vremenu 9:00-12:00. Preliminarni rezultati (prolaz/pad) su dostupni unutar sat vremena od završetka ispita, a postignute bodove i elektronički certifikat dobivate u roku dva radna dana.

ITIL Poster & Overview
Prijava / Kontakt

ITIL 4 Digital & IT Strategy (DITS) detaljnije…


This module will focus on the alignment of digital business strategy with IT strategy. The module also covers how disruption from new technologies are impacting organizations in every industry and how business leaders are responding.

As crucial as IT is for success in the modern world of business, it’s rare to see an IT training course that emphasizes top-down management. This is what ITIL DITS is all about: how to handle the high-level strategic and business-centric aspects of managing real-world IT. ITIL DITS training can be extremely helpful in aligning business and IT, as well as helping IT managers pursue higher-level roles.

By taking this course you will learn:

  • Exactly how IT shapes business strategy in the world’s most successful organizations
  • How technology is disrupting different industries and sectors across the globe
  • How successful business leaders are responding to the situation
  • How to design and implement IT and digital strategies that can thrive even throughout the disruptive environment of modern IT
  • Everything needed to pass the official ITIL 4 DITS exam

Why should you take this course?…

  • The course features interactive videos, instructor-led audio, and other online training assets designed alongside highly experienced subject matter experts
  • The course features regular knowledge checks as well as a practice exam simulator to help students prepare for the ITIL CDS certification exam
  • We offer each student a FREE exam voucher, as well as a FREE resit with Exam Pledge
  • This course is fully accredited by PeopleCert on behalf of AXELOS

Course Content:

This introductory module goes over the main features of the course, including the learning plan, aims, objectives, and structure.

Students receive a syllabus, diagram pack, glossary, further reading and links document, and links to download copies of the ITIL framework’s key publications. Finally, the module covers several of the most frequently asked questions regarding ITIL 4.

Module one looks at a few course essentials, such as how the course will be assessed, the process for uploading assignments, and what documents need to be completed as the course goes on. The course also examines the broader context of where ITIL 4 fits in with modern digital and IT management.

Module two looks at how to leverage a digital strategy to react to digital disruption. It explains some of the key concepts of digital and IT strategy, as well as the relationship between them and the ITIL Service Value System (SVS).

Module three explores the relationship between the concepts of digital IT strategy, the SVS, and the ITIL Service Value Chain (SVC), as well as how ITIL practitioners can leverage each of them to create value. It also looks at internal and external analysis techniques.

Module four examines how organizations use digital and IT strategy to maintain their viability even in changing environments. It also examines three types of digital disruption, as well as VUCA factors (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), market position tools, and how to address each of these within a digital and IT strategy.

Module five looks at how to define, communicate, and advocate for a digital and IT vision and strategy using business cases. It also provides a readiness assessment and examines how it can be used to analyze the gap between where an organization currently is and where it wants to be.

Module six explores how digital and information technology can be used to realize strategic approaches in order to empower organizations to achieve operational excellence.

Module seven explores the key elements of ‘innovation’, as well as how to establish and maintain a culture of innovation within your workplace.

Module eight addresses risk management within the context of digital organizations. It looks at some of the most common risks that ITIL practitioners face, as well as how to prepare for risks and even take advantage of them.

Module nine looks at how to define operating models for digital organizations. These models demonstrate how organizations deliver value to customers, as well as how they operate day to day. This perspective can be key for taking steps to improve operations in order to deliver optimized value.

Module ten examines assessment measures, metrics, and reporting processes used to judge the success of digital and IT strategic initiatives. Assessing the success of an initiative can offer valuable insight for future projects, as well as highlight more immediate concerns.

Module 11 looks at the major skills that leaders in digital organizations typically need to have. It also breaks down several standard approaches to strategic coordination and implementation before moving on to the activities that typically take place during a digital transformation program.

Module 12 wraps up the content covered in the ITIL 4 Digital & IT Strategy (DITS) syllabus. Students are advised to go over previous modules in order to prepare for the certification exam.

This final module provides practice exams that simulate the conditions of the official ITIL 4 DITS certification exam. Students are advised to make use of test questions in order to prepare for the official exam.

When you feel you are ready to sit the ITIL DITS exam, simply contact Good e-Learning to request your FREE exam voucher.

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Ispit se održava nastavno na seminar:

  • Jezik: engleski
  • Trajanje: 120 min za polaznike kojima engleski nije materinji jezik ( inače 60 min)
  • 40 pitanja s višestrukim izborom (a,b,c,d) s jednim točnim odgovorom, bez negativnih bodova
  • Za prolaz je potrebno minimalno 28 točnih odgovora (65%)
  • Certifikat dodjeljuje: Peoplecert (Ispitni institut)
  • Akreditirana trening organizacija (ATO) za provedbu ispita: ITSM Partner Consulting
  • Certifikat: Nakon uspješno položenog ispita, dobiva se međunarodno priznati certifikat: ITIL 4 Leader: Digital & IT Strategy Certificate in IT Service Management. Certifikat se dobiva kao e-certifikat unutar dva radna dana od polaganja ispita.

Ciljevi, preduvjeti, akreditacija…

  • Usvojiti terminologiju, koncepte i definicije ITILa 4
  • Razumjeti ITIL 4 pristup koji opisuje ITIL sustav vrijednosti usluge ( eng. ITIL Service Value System), ITIL Lanac vrijednosti usluge (eng. ITIL Service Value Chain), Tokove vrijednosti ( eng. Value streams) i Prakse ( eng. Practices)
  • Razumjeti ključne ITIL 4 prakse te njihov doprinos u izvršavanju IT Service Management aktivnosti (svrha, najbolje prakse, aktivnosti)
  • Shvatiti prednosti korištenja ITIL 4 najboljih praksi
  • Sklopiti mozaik ITIL 4 praksi u jednu veliku sliku; upoznati zavisnosti praksi
  • Diskutirati, analizirati i sagledati mogućnost primjene ITIL 4 preporuka u vlastitoj organizaciji
  • Opcionalno: dokazati stečeno znanje polaganjem ispita i ostvarivanje ITIL 4 Foundation certifikat

Tipični polaznici su:

  • IT menadžeri, IT voditelji, IT konzultanti, operativni menadžeri, generalni menadžeri, arhitekti rješenja (eng. Solution architects), IT stručnjaci i poslovni menadžeri
  • Svatko zainteresiran za razumijevanje osnova ITIL 4 dobrih praksi
  • Svatko zainteresiran za poboljšanje kvalitete upravljanja IT uslugama
  • IT profesionalci iz organizacija gdje se ITIL već koristi za upravljenje IT uslugama
  • Potrebno je znanje engleskog jezika (budući su materijali za seminar i ispit na engleskom jeziku)
  • Poželjne su IT vještine i poznavanje procesa/praksi upravljenja IT uslugama ( eng. IT Service Management-a)

ITSM Partner Consulting je akreditirana organizacija za obuku (eng. Accredited Training Organisation(ATO)) te ovlaštena za provođenje ITIL treninga i polaganje ITIL ispita

Neprekidno usavršavamo svoje treninge, stoga jamčimo da su naši ITIL 4 seminari uvijek u skladu s aktualnim nastavnim planom i programom propisanim od tvrtke Axelos Limited (vlasnika svih prava za ITIL).


Accredited ITIL® Digital and IT Strategy training is provided by ITSM Partner GmbH Wien, accredited by PeopleCert.

ITIL® Digital and IT Strategy is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.