Interaktivni webinar:

ITIL® 4 Direct, Plan & Improve (ITIL DPI)

Predavanja: 9:00-13:00 (pon-čet)
Ispit: 9:00-12:00 (petak)

* 50% popusta na cijenu seminara u učionici

* “Garancija prolaska na ispitu” – Ukoliko certifikacijski ispit ne položite iz prve, drugi pokušaj je besplatan.

“It does not do
to leave a live dragon out of your calculations,
if you live near him.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit or There and Back Again


ITIL® 4 Strategist:

ITIL® 4 Direct, Plan & Improve (ITIL DPI)

Interaktivni webinar / Virtualna učionica

ITIL Strategist Direct Plan and Improve modul obuhvaća praktične vještine potrebne za stvaranje IT organizacije koja „uči i poboljšava se“ (eng. learning and improving organisation), s istovremeno snažnim i učinkovitim strateškim smjerom.

Modul pokriva utjecaj Agilnih i Lean načina rada te kako ih koristiti u organizaciji i stvarati vrijednost.

Polaznici dobivaju uvid u agilnu, praktičnu i stratešku metodu za planiranje i kontinuirano poboljšanja.

ITIL Strategist Direct Plan and Improve modul je usmjeren na menadžere svih razina uključene u oblikovanje smjera i strategije ili razvijanje tima koji se neprestano poboljšava. Obuhvaćeni su praktični i strateški elementi.

Ovaj modul je univerzalni modul koji je ključna komponenta oba “ITIL stream-a”: ITIL Managing Professional i ITIL Strategic Leader.

Akreditirani seminar te položeni ITIL 4 Foundation su preduvijet za sve ITIL 4 module.

Seminar je sukladan zahtjevima Axelos-a (službeni akrediter za ITIL) i sadržajno uključuje znanja potrebna za certifikat ITIL 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan & Improve (DPI) in IT Service Management.

  • Naziv seminara: ITIL 4 Specialist: Direct, Plan & Improve ( ITIL DPI)
  • Trajanje seminara: 5 dana, u vremenu od 9:00-13:00. Predavanja se održavaju od ponedjeljka do četvrtka, a certifikacijski ispit se piše u petak u vremenu 9:00-12:00.
  • Cijena seminara: 650 EUR + PDV ( = cijena seminara u učionici uz popust 50%)
  • Cijena ceritifikacijskog ispita: 400 EUR + PDV
  • Jezik: predavanja su na hrvatskom, a prateća literatura i certifikacijski ispit su na engleskom jeziku.

“Garancija prolaska na ispitu”: Ukoliko certifikacijski ispit ne položite iz prve – drugi pokušaj je besplatan!

Ispit: Ispit se sastoji od 40 multiple-choice pitanja na engleskom jeziku. Vrijeme predviđeno za riješavanje ispita je 60min; odnosno 75 min i korištenje riječnika ukoliko engleski nije materinji jezik. Nije dopušteno konzultiranje literature. Za prolaz je potrebno minimalno 65% točnih odgovora ( odnosno 28/40).

Polaganje ispita: Ispit se polaže dan nakon završetka seminara, u vremenu 9:00-12:00. Preliminarni rezultati (prolaz/pad) su dostupni unutar sat vremena od završetka ispita, a postignute bodove i elektronički certifikat dobivate u roku dva radna dana.

ITIL Poster & Overview
Prijava / Kontakt

ITIL 4 Direct, Plan & Improve (DPI) detaljnije…


With IT being such an integral part of modern business, the capacity for long-term planning and improvement is essential for successful organizations. ITIL DPI offers a series of terms, tools, and best practices for healthy IT governance, including methods for organizational change management and overseeing Governance, Risks & Compliance (GRC). It is ideal for organizations wishing to plan, enable, and measure long-term changes whilst also justifying them to stakeholders and firmly establishing environments of continuous learning.

By taking this course you will learn:

  • How to properly plan, review and improve products and services
  • How to oversee organizational change and interface with Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)
  • How to create a ‘learning and improving’ IT organization
  • How to apply the concepts covered in the course to real-world organizations
  • Supportive and practical skills that can help with properly directing, planning, and improving organizational IT practices
  • How Lean and Agile ways of working can be leveraged for an organization’s advantage
  • Everything needed to pass the official ITIL 4 DPI exam

Why should you take this course?…

  • The course features interactive videos, instructor-led audio, and other online training assets designed alongside highly experienced subject matter experts
  • The course features regular knowledge checks as well as a practice exam simulator to help students prepare for the ITIL DPI certification exam
  • We offer each student a FREE exam voucher, as well as a FREE resit with Exam Pledge
  • This course is fully accredited by PeopleCert on behalf of AXELOS

Course Content:

This introductory module gets students up to speed with the main features, aims, objectives, and structure of the course, along with the overall learning plan.

Students receive a syllabus, diagram pack, glossary, further reading and links document, and a collection of refresher materials. The module also covers some of the most frequently asked questions for the ITIL 4 Managing Professional stream.

This module looks at the key concepts and definitions of ‘Direct, Plan and Improve’. Students will learn to differentiate key terms, including ‘vision’, ‘mission’, ‘methods’, ‘operating model’ and ‘scope of control’.

The module then goes on to discuss planning management at various levels, along with the roles of governance, compliance, and management.

Finally, it discusses value, outcomes, costs, and risks, as well as how they relate to direction, planning, and improvement.

This module describes elements which are to be directed and planned, and how to use key principles and methods for direction and planning.

By the end of this module, students will know how to cascade requirements and goals, as well as how to define effective policies, controls, and guidance. Students will also know how to ensure that controls are sufficient, without being excessive. This will leave them with enough know-how to be able to place decision-making authority at the correct level.

This module looks at Governance, Risks, and Compliance (GRC) and the principles and methods relating to it.

By the end of the module, students will be comfortable with identifying the purpose and role of GRC, as well as integrating the principles and methods into ITIL 4’s Service Value System (SVS).

The module also describes the role of risks and risk management, as well as how governance impacts DPI.

This module examines the key principles and methods used to enable continual improvement for all types of improvements.

By the end of this module, students will know how to improve the SVS, as well as how to embed continual improvement at every level of the SVS. Students will also be familiar with assessment methods and objectives, as well as outputs, requirements, and criteria. Finally, students will know how to build, justify and advocate a business case, as well as how to conduct improvement reviews and analyze lessons learned.

This module takes students through Organizational Change Management (OCM) and how it is applied to direction, planning, and improvement.

By the end of the module, students will understand the scope, nature and potential benefits of OCM, as well as how to establish effective interfaces across the ITIL value chain.

This module looks at measurement, as well as reasons for focusing on measurement, metrics, reports, success factors and, most importantly, KPIs.

By the end of the module, students will have a practical understanding of how to use principles and methods of measurement and reporting in direction, planning and improvement. They will also be able to define indicators and metrics which can be used to support organizational objectives.

This module examines the differences between value streams and practices, along with the impact these differences have on direction, planning and improvement.

By the end of the module, students will be able to select and utilize appropriate methods and techniques to direct, plan and improve value streams and practices.

This module looks at stakeholders, communication and feedback. Students will learn about the key principles and methods used for communication and organizational change management. They will also come to understand how and why they are essential to direction, planning and improvement.

Finally, students will look at how to effectively influence and communicate with others, as well as how to establish effective feedback channels.

These practice exams are designed to simulate the conditions that students will face when taking the official ITIL 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve examination. It will be well worth testing your knowledge on ITIL 4 before booking your exam, as it will give you the chance to highlight and revise any modules which you have been struggling with.

When you feel you are ready to sit the ITIL DPI exam, simply contact us to request your FREE exam voucher.

This is a short module that sign-posts the end of the course.


Ispit se održava nastavno na seminar:

  • Jezik: engleski
  • Trajanje: 120 min za polaznike kojima engleski nije materinji jezik ( inače 60 min)
  • 40 pitanja s višestrukim izborom (a,b,c,d) s jednim točnim odgovorom, bez negativnih bodova
  • Za prolaz je potrebno minimalno 28 točnih odgovora (65%)
  • Certifikat dodjeljuje: Peoplecert (Ispitni institut)
  • Akreditirana trening organizacija (ATO) za provedbu ispita: ITSM Partner Consulting
  • Certifikat: Nakon uspješno položenog ispita, dobiva se međunarodno priznati certifikat: ITIL 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve Certificate in IT Service Management. Certifikat se dobiva kao e-certifikat unutar dva radna dana od polaganja ispita.

Ciljevi, preduvjeti, akreditacija…

  • Usvojiti terminologiju, koncepte i definicije ITILa 4
  • Razumjeti ITIL 4 pristup koji opisuje ITIL sustav vrijednosti usluge ( eng. ITIL Service Value System), ITIL Lanac vrijednosti usluge (eng. ITIL Service Value Chain), Tokove vrijednosti ( eng. Value streams) i Prakse ( eng. Practices)
  • Razumjeti ključne ITIL 4 prakse te njihov doprinos u izvršavanju IT Service Management aktivnosti (svrha, najbolje prakse, aktivnosti)
  • Shvatiti prednosti korištenja ITIL 4 najboljih praksi
  • Sklopiti mozaik ITIL 4 praksi u jednu veliku sliku; upoznati zavisnosti praksi
  • Diskutirati, analizirati i sagledati mogućnost primjene ITIL 4 preporuka u vlastitoj organizaciji
  • Opcionalno: dokazati stečeno znanje polaganjem ispita i ostvarivanje ITIL 4 Foundation certifikat

Tipični polaznici su:

  • IT menadžeri, IT voditelji, IT konzultanti, operativni menadžeri, generalni menadžeri, arhitekti rješenja (eng. Solution architects), IT stručnjaci i poslovni menadžeri
  • Svatko zainteresiran za razumijevanje osnova ITIL 4 dobrih praksi
  • Svatko zainteresiran za poboljšanje kvalitete upravljanja IT uslugama
  • IT profesionalci iz organizacija gdje se ITIL već koristi za upravljenje IT uslugama
  • Potrebno je znanje engleskog jezika (budući su materijali za seminar i ispit na engleskom jeziku)
  • Poželjne su IT vještine i poznavanje procesa/praksi upravljenja IT uslugama ( eng. IT Service Management-a)

ITSM Partner Consulting je akreditirana organizacija za obuku (eng. Accredited Training Organisation(ATO)) te ovlaštena za provođenje ITIL treninga i polaganje ITIL ispita

Neprekidno usavršavamo svoje treninge, stoga jamčimo da su naši ITIL 4 seminari uvijek u skladu s aktualnim nastavnim planom i programom propisanim od tvrtke Axelos Limited (vlasnika svih prava za ITIL).


Accredited ITIL® Direct, Plan and Improve training is provided by ITSM Partner GmbH Wien, accredited by PeopleCert.


ITIL® Direct, Plan and Improve is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.